
Skylands Photography is located in Central New Jersey, and concentrates on  Equestrian and Event photography, but I also enjoy general landscape / scenic photo outings.  I also have an interest in Covered Bridges, having visited well over 400 in North America over the past 20 or so years.  Some of my favorite covered bridge photos are available for sale on this site.

May 5, 2024:  www.SkylandsPhotography.com is now live on a new photo hosting site. Not everything from the old site has been brought over, and there may still be some things that aren't configured quite right yet -- please let me know if you encounter any problems.

If you had direct links to photos or galleries on the old site, use the "Contact" page to let me know what those links were, and I'll try to restore them.

You are without a doubt one of the best event photogs I’ve had a chance to work with.

Vince Vitale, Marketing Directory, Freeport IL
